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On the Senior Living Solutions blog, we’ll offer advice, consult, and education to help you and your family navigate these changing times in your loved one’s life.
Five Tips for a Smooth Transition from Short-Term Rehab to Home
Whether you planned to recuperate at a short-term rehabilitation facility after major surgery, or you experienced an unexpected stroke that required intense therapy, the transition home can be bumpy. Many moving parts need to come together. The transition from rehabilitation to home requires careful planning and coordination.
How to Keep the Holidays Simple for Seniors
If the impending holidays have you feeling anxious and stressed, consider trimming your traditions. Here are four tips to help you keep the holidays simple while still making the season meaningful.
Helping a Loved One Living With Alzheimer’s Disease
November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, more than six million older adults live with Alzheimer’s dementia in the United States. Deaths caused by Alzheimer’s and dementia have increased by sixteen percent...
Five Medication Management Strategies That Could Save Your Life
October is National Talk About Prescriptions Month. It’s the perfect month to evaluate your medication regimen and implement safeguarding strategies. If you are an older adult who’s currently taking any medications, here are five medication management strategies that could save your life.
How to Create a Safer Environment for Seniors
Our homes are often thought of as a place of comfort and refuge. Although our homes are safe and familiar, they still pose a risk for falls and other environmental hazards, especially for older adults. According to data provided by the National Hospital Ambulatory...
Five Tips for Meaningful Visits at a Senior Care Community
It’s not uncommon to feel unsure or anxious about visiting an aging loved one in a senior care community. It can be challenging to know what to do or say, even when that person is a beloved family member. Some residents lose the ability to communicate or struggle with...
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