Aging is a journey marked by transitions and experiences. Anyone past their 40s knows that aging is filled with twists and turns and a whole lot of life lessons. But along with the wisdom gained, it can also throw some curveballs our way. Deep emotions and mental health challenges, such as depression, anxiety, and emotional drainedness, become more common as we grow older. 

While it’s natural to experience a wide range of emotions throughout our time on earth, living in constant emotional turmoil is detrimental to our health and well-being. If you are a senior struggling with emotional strain, below are a few strategies to help you navigate these challenges and keep your emotional well-being intact. 

Understand the Landscape

Mental health challenges in aging are complex and multifaceted. Several factors can contribute to feelings of sadness and worry, including chronic health conditions, loss of independence, social isolation, and changes in roles and relationships. In addition, many seniors lived in an era where mental health wasn’t discussed. There’s a stigma that surrounds mental health struggles, which often prevents seniors from seeking support. It’s important that seniors understand the landscape of emotions as they age and recognize the value of seeking help when they feel helpless. 

Recognize the Signs

Another valuable strategy for seniors and their families to adopt is to learn to recognize the signs of emotional strain. Depression and anxiety in seniors may manifest differently than in younger population groups. Typical symptoms associated with aging, such as persistent sadness, loss of interest in activities, and changes in appetite or sleep patterns, are also common symptoms of depression and anxiety. Seniors and their families should not assume that these symptoms are related to aging and communicate these symptoms with their primary care physician. 

Strategies to Cope

  1. Stay Connected: Social support is crucial for our mental and emotional well-being. Seniors should prioritize social connections with family, friends, and the community. Even simple interactions, such as a brief conversation with the librarian while you check out books or greeting a friend in the store, can provide comfort and companionship, helping to reduce feelings of isolation. If your social connections are lacking, enroll in a program at a local senior center to help you meet new friends. 
  1. Engage in Meaningful Activities: Pursuing hobbies and creative pursuits aren’t just a way to help seniors pass the long hours of the day; these activities can help bring joy and fulfillment to the life of a senior. Another avenue to explore is volunteer work, which can help seniors grow their social network and provide them with a deeper sense of purpose. If you’re feeling down, encourage yourself to pick up a favorite hobby or commit to volunteering, and watch your mood improve. 
  1. Prioritize Physical Health: Our physical and mental health are very much intertwined. How we care for our bodies and our health greatly affects how we feel and vice versa. Another strategy to cope when you feel emotional strain is to take care of yourself physically. Get plenty of exercise, eat a healthy diet, and prioritize sleep. When seniors maintain their physical health, they greatly improve their mood and reduce stress. 
  1. Seek Professional Support: Lastly, if you continue to feel emotionally drained and are bordering on feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, anxiety, or depression, reach out to a professional therapist or counselor and have a candid conversation with your primary care physician. Many seniors benefit from talking with a professional. Support groups are another option to consider, in addition to reaching out to a healthcare professional. Look for a support group that’s specific to what you’re experiencing, such as caring for a spouse, health condition, bereavement, or memory impairment. 

Navigating the complexities of aging includes addressing mental and emotional health challenges. If you’re an older adult whose social network has dwindled over the years and it’s affecting your mental health, perhaps it’s time to consider moving to a senior living community where you’ll find more care and support. Senior Living Solutions is here to help navigate your search. We start by getting to know you and learning more about your care needs, personality, and preferences. We then recommend senior living communities that meet your criteria and cater to your specific needs. When seniors work with us, they save themselves added stress and the headache of touring facilities that don’t meet their needs. Contact us today by calling 501-650-3031 to schedule your free appointment.